I found this little group of vintage buttons at a garage sale this summer and have had them stashed away. Now what can I do with these? I was thinking possibly earrings out of the red and/or pink set, they'd make a perfect gift (if not for anyone but myself :)). But it might be somewhat difficult to take those bars off the back of the pink ones. I need some ideas people...
what to do?
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'll leave for the weekend with this cute printable Timothy Le Turkey from mibo studio. Have a wonderful holiday weekend everyone!!
{Mibo's 2011 printable calendar just released today too - it's really colorful, pretty, and affordable because you download the file and print it out yourself. Plus if you buy it before Dec. 3rd you also get a free advent calendar!}
count with me
Beautiful counting balls from Jack's Beanstalk on Etsy. There are lots of pretty felted goodies in her shop.
more felt projects
I love felt and the projects that people make with it! It's such an easy medium to work with, and if you use the right stuff (I'm talking 100% wool here), simple little projects can look amazing. I'm totally making these bird ornaments; oh, and this garland.
Also, if you've checked out cm crafts and like the buntings, head over to Noodles & Milk today for a giveaway!
embellish your knits
Seriously, Kathleen from Grosgrain is amazing! For the entire month of November she's embellishing thrift-store cardigans, and they are all turning out so cute! If you haven't seen her creations already, go there now. I think my favorite so far is this orange one below, that she posted yesterday. And what's especially great about this, is that she gives tutorials on everything she does. Now I want to go buy a bunch of ugly $2 sweaters!
get out your hooks
Are you drawn to knit and crocheted items when the weather gets cooler? I definitely am. And not just in the form of scarves or gloves. Enjoy these little crocheted lovlies! (the first one you can make, and the second would be a great stocking stuffer!)
little urchin rocks from purl beecrocheted soaps from anthropologie
root beer
I came across this gift idea quite awhile ago and have had it tucked away in my brain ever since. For her husband's birthday, Erin Jang of Indigo Bunting bought 24 different kinds of root beer, put them in a vintage soda crate, and made a cheat sheet with the characteristics/tastes of each brand. Brilliant. I think this sort of thing could work with many different items. And it's great for those husbands that are hard to buy for!
rob ryan
I love the work of artist and paper-cutter genius, Rob Ryan. His etsy shop is full of little goodies - I need this tape. It would be fun to use this to wrap presents.
But his latest thing that's on my wishlist are these Four Seasons plates, available for pre-order here. Take a peek at his other home accessories while you're there!
stocking stuffers
Yes, I'm already thinking Christmas. It happens every year for me as soon as November hits. I like to be ready early, and try to accomplish most everything by the beginning of December. I was in REI today, and spotted these Lego lights. I especially like the headlamp guys, and the key chains, and they also had bigger flashlights as well. All the limbs move as regular legos do too. My 6-yr-old would definitely dig these.
gifted + tutorial link
Love this new online magazine, Gifted. It's really well done and has tons of ideas.
Also, hop on over to the blog Noodles & Milk today and find a web ad tutorial I put together! There will also be a cm crafts giveaway there later this month.
vintage oddity
Some unique necklaces from Vintage Oddity's Shop. I can't get over the brass knuckles, I'm sure it would get a few laughs. Love her little felted pin cushions too!